You can embrace shapes and forms of the past while paying tribute to newer home design ideas. The magic happens when you bring home a transitional table lamp. Table lamps are perfect for living rooms, sitting rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. Place one in dark corners that need a little light or next to your bed for those late-night reading sessions.
Transitional table lamps combine traditional shapes with modern styles and sometimes touches of advanced technology. Think of it as taking an old lamp that was made 50 years ago and updating it with touches of our modern world. You would end up with a unique design that feels familiar but is fresh and up to date.
Some of the modern features that you may find on the transitional lamp market today include:
Lamps with dimmers and USB ports are becoming more common. They allow you to charge your smartphone even without a nearby electrical outlet or turn the lights down to set the mood. Those features aren’t needed on every lamp but are a nice touch if you want your lamp to do a bit more than illuminate the room or accent your décor.
Transitional lamps allow you to use advanced technology without abandoning the look of a traditional lamp. The designs range from highly traditional to spunky modern and intensely creative. There’s something for every design aesthetic.
You don’t have to settle for standard table lamps. Transitional designs take what was popular in the past and twist it with creative energy. From elegant blue glass to crystal forms and interesting shapes like antlers, you never know what you’ll encounter when you shop for a transitional table lamp.